Thursday, September 20, 2012

Blake Lively could quite possibly be pregnant it seems


When we heard that Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds got married out of the blue, we instantly thought ‘shotgun wedding’.

And now it seems like we might be right *high-five to ourselves *.

Apparently Blake’s behaviour on set of Gossip Girl has fuelled rumours that she and Ryan may be expecting their first sprog.

A ‘source’ reckons she has been practically ‘glowing’ (like all preggars women do apparently) and she’s been indulging in more food than she would normally while filming. Now we all know that if someone in Hollywood is eating more it’s because they are eating for two and not because they were just hungry.  

The insider said: "Blake is usually really careful about what she eats, but since her wedding, she seems to be eating a lot more. Everyone on set is on bump-watch,"

Woop, we don’t know about you but we love a bump-watch.


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