Monday, May 28, 2012

Well it looks like Madonna is planning on taking the mickey out of Lady Gaga during her Israel concert

Clever ol’ Madonna is the queen of taking swipes at people rather subtly, isn’t she?

Some rather brave person sneakily filmed Madge as she rehearsed in Israel for her upcoming gig there and then they put it online so we can all see her true colours.

In the video Madonna is heard singing the lyrics to Lady Gaga’s Born This Way as she performs her own tune Express Yourself.

But why is this being interpreted as dig? Well you’ll probably remember that when Lady Gaga’s Born This Way came out most people agreed it sounded suspiciously similar to Madonna’s classic song.  

At the time Gaga said comparisons were "retarded" before quickly said sorry for using that word. Madonna on the other hand, said this: "I thought, 'What a wonderful way to redo my song'. I mean, I recognised the chord changes. I thought it was… interesting."

Oh we love it when a feud is reignited, don’t you?  Take a look at the video for yourself and let us know what you think.

It could just be Madge paying homage to Gaga but knowing the Queen of Pop there’s probs a bit more behind it. 


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