Monday, May 14, 2012

Kim Dotcom Wife Mona Dotcom to NZ Police: "Give me back my $155,000 Mercedes!"

Kim Dotcom Wife Mona Dotcom to NZ Police: "Give me back my $155,000 Mercedes!"

Mona Dotcom, the wife of Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom, has filed legal papers demanding the return of a G55 Mercedes SUV seized by New Zealand police after a raid on their mansion in January. The vehicle, appraised at $155,000, has yet to be driven legally by Mrs. Dotcom, as the papers reveal she has not yet earned a driver's license.

Throughout their five-year romance, Kim showered his bride with trinkets of his affections - Rolex and diamond-encrusted Chanel watches, a pink iPhone, laptops, etc. - but it's that Mercedes, plus a pair of high-priced sculptures, that are the main focus of Mrs. Dotcom's recovery efforts.

"Many of my personal belongings were taken by the police, including artwork, jewelry and watches, a laptop computer and mobile phone and my car," she said in papers filed with a New Zealand court, the New Zealand Herald reports. The court documents state the couple met in November 2007 and married in July 2009, shortly after Mona had turned 21. Her wedding gift? A pair of fiberglass sculptures of faces created by Christian Colin, valued at over $78,000. She wants those back, too.

Kim Dotcom is free on bail while awaiting a hearing on his extradition to the U.S. to face piracy charges but has been granted a $15,500-per-month allowance for living expenses. Mrs. Dotcom, who maintains she had no involvement in Megaupload, lists in her filing the costs of raising five children under the roof of the couple's 25,000-square-foot Dotcom Mansion near Auckland.

They include:

* $5 million in modifications to the house.
* $780,000 a year for rent.
* $467,000 a year to keep the house going.
* Six staff at about $22,500 a month.
* $5,500 a month on groceries.
* Gas for heating and cooking, $2,500 a month.
* $2,700 a month for electricity.
* Landline phone calls budgeted at $3,900.
* $1,440 a week for lawn mowing.
* $3,300 a week for three full-time gardeners.

In her appeal to the court, Mona Dotcom said, "I have always believed my husband's businesses are entirely lawful, and I still believe this to be true," the New Zealand Herald reports. "I am simply asking the courts to return my own property and make reasonable provision for our family's ongoing maintenance and care."

- Source


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