Saturday, June 23, 2012

Justin Bieber plans to record with One Direction *cue deafening screams*


We’re not sure this is such a good idea. Teenage girls would literally implode if Justin Bieber and One Direction recorded together. 

Anyway Justin has been banging on about his new mates and hinted that he wants to record with them.

He said: "The One Direction guys are great. We have a lot of fun whenever we hang out. They came over my house and we were just chilling out around the pool and listening to music,

"We were talking about me collaborating with them on a song on their next album. It's gonna be great.

"And I asked them who else they would like to work with. They were like, Rihanna, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift and Jennifer Lopez.

"Now don't get me wrong - those are all very talented artists - but there seems to be a pattern emerging and, looking at the smile on the guys' faces, I don't think it was all about the music..."

Haha we love the way Justin has twigged that 1D are horny little terrors.

He added: "They sure have an eye for the ladies but, even better for the guys, the ladies have a bit of an eye for them, too.

"From what I hear they shouldn't have much trouble trying to persuade Rihanna, Katy or Taylor to work with them... if you know what I'm saying."

We know what you’re saying. He then went on to praise the group: "The great thing about them is that they might be the biggest band in the world but they have stayed regular guys who are just fun to hang with.

"I don't see them changing. They are just so grounded and have each other."

Isn’t Justin younger than all of them? That whole spiel sounds a little self-righteous to us.


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