Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Lily Allen confirms shes back in the studio


Yay. This is very exciting news for a Wednesday afternoon, isn’t it? Lily Allen, or Lilly Cooper as she is now known, is back in the studio.

The pop singer took to Twitter a short while ago saying she thought Kate Nash’s musical comeback was ‘pretty cool’.

This led Popjustice editor Peter Robinson to say: "It's better than no music at all isn't it. ISN'T IT LILY."

To which she quickly replied: "You will be pleased to know that i am currently in the f**king studio with @GregKurstin so SHUT UP PETER !"

And then the whole of the interweb erupted into loud cheers.

She added: "No big deal really, im just throwing s**t at the wall and seeing if anything sticks."

No big deal? No big deal? It’s pretty bloody massive actually. It feels like it’s been ages since Lily did that whole ‘I’m retiring from showbiz’ thing but then saying that’s not what she meant.

Oh and just so you know Greg Krustin is the guy who worked on her debut album Alright, Still and fully produced 2009's follow-up It's Not Me, It's You. Yeah as we said, it's exciting stuff.


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