Sunday, July 22, 2012

Max George had phone sex with his ex while in a relationship with Michelle Keegan


An ex of the singer Max George has stepped forward today to claim that she was having phone sex (of both the text message and saucy voice call variety) throughout his relationship to Michelle Keegan.

Busty, blonde 29-year-old Bobbi Aney (oh she would spell Bobbi with an ‘I’ at the end wouldn’t she?) claims her saucy shenanigans kicked off with Max in February 2011 and continued until May of that year.

Max and Michelle surprised nobody this weekend when they confirmed that they were no longer a couple. Bobbi had this to say about her seedy goings on with The Wanted singer.

“I knew it was wrong but the thrill of knowing he was with somebody so beautiful and still ­coming back to me was ­overpowering” she told a tabloid newspaper today, presumably for stacks of cash.

“I would often say, ‘Max, you have a girlfriend and she’s gorgeous’. He would say, ‘I know, I know’ but then send me another text.

“Phone sex was natural between us. I could literally get it at the click of a finger” Hmmm, pun intended we assume? Bobbi added:

“Max didn’t talk a lot about Michelle but he said enough to let me know their relationship was not as great as it seemed.”

“Sometimes our phone calls would be quick and brief. On other occasions I would kind of egg it on. As for the texts, they were often very graphic.

“Max is very sexually confident and knows what he wants. It was very much about him saying, ‘Tell me how much you love it’.”

What a scoundrel eh? And with big blue eyes like that, we thought butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth.

Bobbi and Max went out for three years and ended their relationship in November 2010. However throughout his time with Michelle, this Bobbi bird claims the singer was telling her that she was the “love of his life”. Lovely eh?


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